Beach  & Sea Glass Inspired Art

If you are sea glass obsessed like me, you will love my designs inspired and created with up-cycled treasures from the ocean.  Natural driftwood, combined with sea shells, stones, and beautiful chunks of wire wrapped sea glass all found on the Southern California Beaches I love to walk.


Bring some of the sea into your home, and hang in front of your favorite window or room to remind you every day of the beauty in nature.

Doodle Dogs


Adorable items that will show the world just how much you love your Doodle. Visit my Etsy store to see all the different colors and designs featuring Doodle Dogs

Sweet Peas & Steel Blog

The many things I am passionate about.


What can I say, I love my family!

Sea Glass

Anyone up for a beach walk at low tide to find some sea glass?  

Doodle Dogs

Daisy - she is also my beach obsessed dog.  She loves our long walks.


I can't wait for you see my greenhouse and keyhole inspired raised garden.


So lately I've been a little obsessed with Sour Dough!  But I really love to cook everything.

The Beach

My favorite place to be.  I spend as much time as I possible can walking the beaches in Southern California.

Enjoying Life


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